[ BDSN ] πŸ”Ž Blatantly violating Amazon TOS


  • πŸ† Freedom Ticket 4.0 debuts next week

  • πŸ”Ž Blatantly violating Amazon’s terms of service

  • πŸš€Β Get your PPC house in order and skyrocket sales

  • πŸ—£οΈ World’s largest standing aggregator speaks

  • πŸ’₯ TikTok releases economic impact report

  • πŸ‡―πŸ‡΅ The land of the Rising Sun


Sometimes Amazon shuts down products blatantly violating TOS.

Other times, as in the case of the insert below for this product, Amazon just ignores them and allows hundreds more β€œfake” positive reviews to accumulate, even weeks after being reported to Amazon abuse and to @AmazonHelp.

Let’s see if publishing it here results in this product coming down.

An insert violating Amazon TOS


In what year did Amazon launch the Amazon Ads platform?

[ Answer at bottom of email ]


What does Amazon PPC look like on a $1m / month account?

This is what Chris Rawlings and his team at Sophie Society will be laying out step-by-step during his upcoming Profitable PPC Challenge April 22nd through 26th.

There are four basic phases your PPC campaign structure passes through as you scale your brand:

  • PPC Phase 1: $0 – $50k/mo

  • PPC Phase 2: $50k/mo – $200k/mo

  • PPC Phase 3: $200k/mo – $500k/mo

  • PPC Phase 4: $500k/mo – $1m/mo

At each of these stages of an Amazon brand’s growth, the PPC structure looks different.

During the profitable PPC challenge you’ll master the exact step-by-step campaign setup to implement to take you from your current stage of growth to the next stage up.

You will learn things such as:

  • Which campaigns should you create and in what order?

  • How do you make Amazon remarketing work?

  • What bid strategy should you use?

  • Where do you find new targets?

  • How do you set and allocate budgets?

  • What is the best way to run dayparting?

Gain complete clarity over the right answer to these questions for your brand at its current stage of growth.

“This challenge has blown my mind. I wasn’t expecting to get this much value out of it. Chris delivered the content in a very engaging way and shared a lot of useful hacks and handouts.

The office hours and private coaching groups were invaluable too because I got to ask everything I needed.”Β 

Profitable PPC Challenge Participant

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Tushar Ahluwalia founded the Razor Group in 2020. Since then, the aggregator has received more than one billion dollars in investments and loans, bought and consolidated many Amazon FBA businesses, and most recently some Amazon aggregators, such as Perch.

Today, the Razor Group is the largest remaining player on the market in terms of sales with a product catalog of 40,000 SKUs.

This video with Tussah lays out what they’ve gone through and where they’re going in the aggregator space.


Amid discussions over a potential U.S. ban, TikTok has released an economic impact report highlighting its contributions to small- to mid-size businesses (SMBs) and the broader U.S. economy.

According to the report, TikTok generated $14.7 billion for SMBs in 2023, contributing to a total economic activity of $24.2 billion through the platform’s usage by these businesses.

The platform’s significance to the U.S. economy is further underscored by its support for over 7 million businesses nationwide, directly and indirectly backing 224,000 jobs, with 98,000 of these positions situated within SMBs leveraging TikTok for their business operations.

The report’s release coincides with mounting legislative pressures on TikTok, particularly following the House of Representatives’ March decision to pass a bill potentially leading to the platform’s banβ€”a bill President Biden has indicated he would endorse should it also clear the Senate.

Amid these developments, competitors like Meta are adapting their platforms in anticipation of a possible TikTok ban, with Facebook recently updating its video player to more closely mimic TikTok’s user experience.

TikTok’s economic report serves not only as a defense against the proposed ban but also as a testament to the platform’s role as a vital marketing and advertising medium for SMBs, having supported $5.3 billion in tax revenue last year.

The publication of this report aligns with TikTok’s broader public relations strategy to underscore the negative economic and professional repercussions of a ban, leveraging its significant economic impact.

from Kevin King & Norm Farrar

The first Amazing guest is Katie Wells of Wellness Mama – don’t miss it!

All her six children are required to start a business and submit profitable quarterly P&L’s before she will help them get a phone or car.


Every couple of years myself and the team at Helium 10 re-create it from scratch to update it, expand it and make it better.

The core of the new version 4.0 can easily be completed in a weekend. Plus, it’s FREE for anybody who has a Helium 10 account.

More than 200,000 entrepreneurs have gone through Freedom Ticket, many going on to create highly successful businesses on Amazon (including some doing $50+ million per year).

A bright and shiny new Freedom Ticket 4.0 is ready for you to check out. It’s a great refresher and ideal to have your team or VAs go through.

  • Find your niche and stand out in the crowded marketplace

  • Elevate your listings and skyrocket conversion rates

  • Outsmart your competition with killer keyword strategies

  • Master the art of product launches like a pro

  • Get step-by-step guidance on building your Amazon empire

β†’ here’s looking at you kid

My β€œwhy” has led me to visit 94 countries and all 7 continents. I create my life and work around my life. Not my life around my business.

I hope to inspire you in your journey of business and life with photos, a short video I filmed, and a brief description of my time there.

The land of the Rising Sun

Japan is a mesmerizing blend of ancient splendor and cutting-edge innovation. It’s a place where tradition and technology exist in harmonious synchrony.

From the moment you step into Japan, you’re embraced by an unparalleled cleanliness and a sense of order that transcends simple convenience, offering a glimpse into a society that values respect and mindfulness at every turn.

Convenience is king. Imagine toilets with motion sensors and vending machines everywhere that serve not just snacks but hot meals and sake.

The public transport system, a marvel of punctuality and efficiency, reflects the collective nod to time and personal space, where the silence on trains speaks volumes of the cultural ethos of respect.

Delve deeper into the heart of Japanese culture through its peopleβ€”the epitome of courtesy and hospitality. Witness the meticulous care in gift-wrapping at stores, the formal ritual presentation of change and credit cards, and the profound efforts store clerks make embodying a level of service that’s unparalleled.

The fashion scene is a vibrant tapestry of individuality and tradition, where each accessory and outfit narrates a personal story against the backdrop of Japan’s rich cultural heritage.

Culinary adventures in Japan are both an exploration and a challenge, from the “weirdness” of unfamiliar dishes to the unparalleled delight of A5 Waygu beef.

The historical tapestry of Japan is rich and poignant, from the somber echoes of Hiroshima with its Peace Memorial Museum to the sacred serenity of Miyajima Island, a place once untouched by death to preserve its purity.

In Kyoto, the ancient capital, step back in time to a traditional ryokan, engage in meditation with monks, and walk through torii gate-lined paths, immersing yourself in a city teeming with UNESCO World Heritage sites, temples and shrines that whisper tales of a bygone era.

Japan’s landscape is a testament to its love for nature and harmony, from the Zen gardens of Kyoto to the volcanic beauty of Hakone and the iconic visage of Mount Fuji.

You can experience traditional tea and dinner served in a tatami-matted room of a ryokan or the futuristic vibe of Tokyo’s Shibuya district, likened to New York’s Times Square with its dazzling displays.

Japan beckons with stories waiting to be lived, from its technological marvels to its ancient traditions, ensuring that every visitor leaves with memories that are as indelible as they are transformative.


β€œPeople will forget what you say. People will forget what you do. But they will never forget how you make them feel.”

✌🏼 See you again Monday.

The answer to today’s STUMP BEZOS is

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