
Zealand Playing: ▻ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/zeaiand ▻ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ZealandonYT Zealand Stuff: …

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  1. go to any random game in the morocco football 2nd devision you will see a full stacked stadium

  2. Kinda off topic, but in a way not. i just watched a video of a game from 1901, Newcastle V Liverpool (might even be worth a video in itself), and the thing that strikes you immediately is the crowd. Its huge (comparatively)…and this is 1901. Even more than who got to Zealand keep in the Miami semi final…second thing btw is the quality, they had a decent level even back then… third is all the advertising boards

  3. can you make a video about FCSB from Romania ? … the owner of the team is also the guy who picks first team players and makes changes for the last 10 years or so 🙂

  4. Backup goalie? You've always struck me as a weak side wing back/full back.

  5. Maybe people that side of the world don't care too much about football

  6. Even worse is Abderrazak Hamdallah being attacked by a fan after the Saudi cup final 😮

  7. Even worse is Abderrazak Hamdallah being attacked by a fan after the Saudi cup final 😮

  8. Come on Zealand! Talk about the party at Bilbao after the Copa del Rey title!

  9. the most annoying thing are the tiktok braindead children "camel league burger league" which is worse lol,saudi league is not even close to the mls bro

  10. You cant shortcut league football. You can drop a billion and make an incredible race course or golf course that the already rich people can and will go to. Thats not how football works. You need fans and culture and history

  11. “More people have watched me play than watching Karim Benzema play” My man, you don’t have to do him like that 😂

  12. As others have pointed out, just to show a problem with the fans who DO show up, a player on Al-Ittihad (Moroccan player with a name that's hard to type out, forgive me) was WHIPPED BY A GUY IN THE STANDS. Like, not with a towel like in a locker room, with an ACTUAL WHIP.

  13. 8:17 sorry Z just got to point out Hendo did actually play for Sunderland as well, not just Liverpool

  14. Nevermind an MLS stadium not looking like that I genuinely think I’ve seen more fans at a USL game

  15. Santa Claus at Bar Mitzvah? Do Jewish kids also believe in Santa?

  16. just checked and attendances have halfed since last season at most clubs

  17. Did you see the fan who hit a player with a whip at the end of the match?

  18. 7:39 you need to get off YouTube and get back on the pitch bro plain and simple. An American Highschool is more legit then a Saudi Pro league. Go play in the 2nd Bundesliga or something

  19. bro the match was in the uae and in the last few days of ramadan when most people would spend time at home with there families. I agree that the attendance in some saudi matches is embarrassing sometimes but this is not one of these times lol

  20. Dang 5k at a highschool game is kinda wild 🤯

  21. Also Saudis infrastructure makes it almost impossible to watch your team if your playing away so away attendances are close to nothing.

  22. As an American

    The saudi league is easily more competitive than the us its not even close tbh, hate Saudi all you want the mls is just garbage through and through

  23. But, but…Ronaldo told me the Saudi league would be top 5 in the world?

  24. I just checked out Transfer Markets attendance records for the Saudi Pro League & its shocking…. the bottom 10 teams average attendance ranges from 1,500 -5,500. Thats National league level attendance figures!! But nobody is playing in Saudi Arabia for the money? 😅😅😄😄

  25. The league will never improve because these saudi blokes dont care about the development of the game.
    Yeah they got money, but theyve also got no idea what to do with it

  26. so that goal was from a super cup semifinal played in the UAE, so though you make great points, there's that to consider regarding the attendance

  27. The clip is from the UAE. The uae hosted the 2 semi finals on the same day and charged 100$ per ticket which is absurd. People either didnt want to spend that money on saudi arabian football or chose to watch ronaldo in the other game.
    Saudi fans are great but the uae really isnt anywhere near them

  28. Video 17 asking for a video on coventry

  29. 7:00
    I have a few things to say here:
    1. Persumably there is no "Board" meeting.
    2. Like you pointed out, they have been successful with (Golf; dunno bout that), F1 and WWE coming to their country. But football is different gravy – and works differently to the other sports mentioned.
    They go directly into the cities if Riyadh or Jeddah – where the people are, where people might go out for a night and buy a ticket on a whimper. While football clubs are localised in culture and national in driving distance.

    But the money the saudis invested into the WWE contract or the building/upkeeping the street race for years can me measured in CR7 yearly salaries.

    To build Jeddah for F1 is costed between 2 and 3 yearly CR7 salaries, yearly upkeep is easily another one, to get wwe there it costs about 4 yearly CR7 salaries.

    But thats the thing, remodeling cities and making global media juggernauts come to you or paying ONE of eleven (seventeen if were overly correct) people of ONE of your dozen teams – one of that is a bad financial decision.

    Also the utter state if disinterest of Saudis for its league is somewhat surprising.

  30. You’re better than this Z , the game was a semi final of the Saudi super cup and it was played in the UAE during the month of Ramadan, specifically the end of Ramadan and almost all Muslims are preparing for “ Eid “ which is the what comes after Ramadan and it was between Al-Ittihad ( top team ) and Al-Wehda ( lower team ) ، but if you have seen the final which was played yesterday ( 11/4 ) the stadium was almost full

  31. That's nothing new really. The Saudi Pro League has an (artificially boosted by the Top 4) average attendance of ~8.4k people. That's fewer people than the 3rd divisions of Germany or England (both 9k+). There's games in the SPL with fewer than 1000 people in the stands, even though the stadiums are more than capable of fitting a lot more people inside.

  32. What the game needs is a MLS saudi pro league transcontinental super league / merger

  33. There was recently a game in the Polish league with 34k+ attendance. Saudi has a long way to go

  34. It's an accessibility issue, it's hard to build a stadium culture when most people can't feasibly make it to the actual stadiums. HITC Sevens covered this topic a while back.

  35. As soon as I hear Zealand say "Sardi" I have to switch off as it give me brain ache.

  36. Idk I’d rather spend money to watch Z run than watch Jordan Henderson 😂

  37. Speaking of MLS, on this video I got an ad for Coin Master featuring David Beckham

  38. This looks like an USL game😂😂

  39. The Saudi top teams and those of the other golf countries should merge and form the super league. I think they'd get a lot more attention from the local public and benefit from (abroad) big TV contracts and huge audience.

  40. Saudi League is just a giant joke, just like the Chinese league was a few years ago. Players go knowing that is going to be easy money, pretend to play football and enjoy, keep their mouths shut about slavery and abuse and walk away with hundreds of millions. The people who run the country just do that to keep the population quiet and to prevent any rebels, and the dumb population know and accepts it. Give it a few more years and it will all fall down, the League, the ludicrous investments, and hopefully the entire country.

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