Night 27: Law of Attraction – Sayed Mohammad Baqer Qazwini | Ramadan 2024

  1. MashaAllah Sayed I have learnt so much during this Ramadan. May Allah bless you and your family and continue to strengthen you in your mission and remember us in your Duas in Karbala ❤

  2. Wow. Great speech Sayed. I enjoy your lectures so much. Mashallah.

  3. Thank you Sayed , for the great teaching. Please have my family in your prayers.

  4. Jazakallah! I've been noticing this trend for years now, especially when companies like MindValley are becoming more popular among the young, pushing these New Age 'Spiritual' practices to people seeking some meaning in their lives after being jaded by the system of capitalism or the misguided upbringing of religion by their parents. These teachings are very subtle in their teachings, and we have people like Sadhguru being pushed into the mainstream who appears to be friendly towards Islam and other religions but is just used as an idol by the anti-religious people behind all these schemes to further mislead the masses. People should also dig into more research behind these New Age movements, who actually started them in the early 20th century, their involvement in the occult and Sihr (witchcraft/sorcery/black magic), the inspiration of the Djinn into some of the founders of these New Age movements, and then you see things like Bohemian Grove, Epstein's List, the child sex trafficking networks the celebrities are involved in, and how Zionism is connected to all of this, you see an undeniable pattern. I used to think these practices are harmless, to take what's good and beneficial from them and reject what is not in line with Islamic teachings but now I see they were almost all created or influenced by Satanic agents. I have personally seen how people, some Muslims even, started on the harmless spectrum of these Law of Attraction New Age spiritual practices and slide gradually into full-blown belief in Tarot, Astrology, Magick and associating Djinn-disguised-as-old-gods with Allah SWT. This is no small matter that's being exposed. It is just another battlefront in this era approaching the Manifestation of Imam Mahdi (ajfs).

  5. Law of attraction 🧲 is same theory as Big Band, denying the CREATOR,THE MASTER OF UNIVERSE IN THIS LIFE 🧬 AND HEREAFTER 🕋🤍

  6. God bless you Sayeed ❤❤

  7. Masha Allah 💫💫💫may Allah increase your knowledge and faith

  8. I love listening to you sayed, may god bless you and bless us all ameen >

  9. If you are practically positive that will lead you to do positive works and when you do works towards achieving something good
    , then Allah(god of Abraham) helps propel you towards it – this is per Islamic theology!

  10. Finally someone is talking about that matter🤲🏽

  11. this lecture is calling me out and im all here for it, i have had concerns for my love of yoga practices and what it means in islam, thank you!

  12. ❤❤love yr teachings Sayed but please don't use the word G d we are mumeen the best names of Allaah SWT excellent ❤❤❤❤❤

  13. Dear brother, may God bless you abundantly. I appreciate your perspective, but I respectfully disagree when it comes to Imam Hussein. While his sacrifice was undoubtedly significant, it is essential to remember that it cannot overshadow the greatness of Allah's throne. It is important to maintain a balance and not elevate any human loss above the divine.

  14. Sayed you impacted my family and I in ways I didn’t know were possible . Thank you . Ma2jour . My family and I truly love you

  15. Ughh May Allah Bless you and accept all your duas. You are amazing Sayed. Thank you.

  16. Wawww so wisdom speach.. Proud to have you and Qazwini Schoolor. You welcome to Kosovo

  17. I love you sayid Tayab Allah Anfasak

  18. This was so good. Thank you.

  19. I literrally needed this lecture

  20. This was a great lecture! Thank you Sayed!

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