Vegan Chicken Broth – Vegetarian Mamma

Use up all the leftover veggies in your fridge and make a flavorful and homemade vegan chicken broth!

This vegetable stock is super simple to make on the stove and will replace chicken broth in all of your favorite vegan recipes, including soups and stews.

red broth in a mason jar next to zucchini,k herbs, tomato, and a yellow pepper.

Why This Vegan Chicken Broth Recipe is So Good

  • Soup recipes always call for chicken broth, and this chicken-less chicken broth is the perfect vegan substitute. This recipe is completely vegan and dairy free.
  • You can use up all of your leftovers! Clean out the fridge and freezer before you start this recipe. Look for celery and onions that are slightly past their prime, carrots that have been sitting in there forever, or pull out the corn that you froze 6 months ago that you were planning to use to make a corn casserole. Anything goes into this vegan chicken broth – except chicken.
  • Homemade vegetarian broth is easy to make! Simply cover your veggie scraps with water and let them simmer on the stove for a while. Then strain and enjoy!
  • You can easily store this broth in the freezer for months so that you’ll always have delicious and healthy vegan “bone” broth on hand for sipping or for recipes like Vegan Chicken Noodle Soup or Vegan Beef Stew (it’s made with mushrooms!).
shredded vegetables in a ziplock bag

Tips and Tricks for Making Vegan Chicken Broth

  • Plan Ahead. This recipe works best if you start saving your veggie peels and extra bits and do so for a while. I like to keep a large ziplock bag in the freezer and toss things into it each night while I’m preparing dinner. You need about 10 cups of veggies for this stock recipe.
  • Be sure to wash your veggies well before peeling them if you plan to save the peels for broth!
  • Some veggies are not ideal for stock. Avoid potato peels as they can hold toxins from the soil. You may also want to avoid brassicas, like broccoli, kale, and cabbage. They add a flavor to the stock that’s not ideal.
  • Squash and potatoes can make the stock cloudy, but the peels from squash and zucchini are perfect for broth.
  • The best vegetables to use for vegan chicken broth are onions, carrots, celery, bell peppers, garlic, tomatoes, and mushrooms.
  • Onion peels should be included, as they help give the vegan broth a rich color.
  • Try including small amounts of fresh herbs for extra flavor!
a ladle dipping into a jar of vegan chicken broth.

What To Make With Vegan Chicken Broth

You can use this vegan veggie stock in any recipe that calls for vegetable broth, chicken stock, or beef broth!

Try it in my White Bean and Kale Soup! This vegan soup is hearty and creamy from the addition of coconut cream.

Vegan Enchilada Sauce is also made with vegetable stock. It’s my favorite for making tasty vegan enchiladas and I like to drizzle it on Tofu Tacos too.

Want to make a super simple and satisfying soup with vegan chicken broth? Try my 3 Ingredient Potato Soup. You won’t believe what you can do with just potatoes, broth, and onions!

More Vegan Recipes You’ll Love

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Vegan Chicken Broth

Use up all the leftover veggies in your fridge and make a flavorful and homemade vegan chicken broth! This vegetable stock is super simple to make on the stove and will replace chicken broth in all of your favorite vegan recipes.

Prep Time5 minutes

Cook Time55 minutes

Total Time1 hour

Course: Soup

Cuisine: American

Keyword: vegan chicken broth, vegan chicken stock, vegetarian broth

Servings: 8 cups

Calories: 125kcal

Author: Cindy Gordon | Vegetarian Mamma

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