Nutella Croffles – The BakerMama

Flaky croissant dough with rich chocolate hazelnut spread made crisp in a waffle iron. Nutella Croffles are a decadent, delicious breakfast treat you’ll be obsessed with.

A large white fluted plate with two waffle-textured pastries topped with powdered sugar, maple syrup, a Nutella drizzle, blueberries and strawberries.

Easy, Fun Breakfast Treat

I like to think that easy, scrumptious breakfast ideas are my forté. And these Nutella Croffles definitely qualify! Creamy chocolate hazelnut spread between layers of light, flaky croissant dough topped with powdered sugar and pressed in a hot waffle iron delivers a sweet crunch in every bite. Get ready to be obsessed!

A pastry with layers of croissant and Nutella cut in half on a plate with raspberries.

What is a Croffle?

A Croffle (croissant + waffle) is the delicious breakfast pastry that comes from pressing flaky, buttery croissants in a hot waffle maker. Filled with Nutella or cinnamon sugar, they’re a a crispy, golden brown, perfectly dippable breakfast treat like no other!

A hand pinching a croffle between thumb and forefinger and dipping it in a small glass dish of maple syrup.

Amazing Inside and Out

Inside this croffle is rich, creamy Nutella. But OUTSIDE is just as amazing. By sprinkling the croffle with sugar before pressing it in the waffle maker, it gets this sweet crunch that’s so unbelievable. I just know you’re going to love it!

Maple syrup being poured from a small white porcelain pitcher onto two Nutella croffles on a white fluted plate.

Crescent Roll vs. Puff Pastry

What’s the difference between crescent roll and puff pastry?  They’re both laminated doughs, but croissant dough contains yeast that makes them bake up puffy and light. Which is the texture we’re going for!

A large white serving plate filled with Nutella croffles. There is a small glass dish of maple syrup on the top left of the plate.

What Do I Need to Make Nutella Croffles?

  • Canned refrigerated crescent dough
  • Nutella (chocolate hazelnut spread)
  • Powdered sugar (confectioner’s sugar)
  • Maple Syrup, for serving
  • Belgian waffle maker
Store bought crescent roll dough and three small glass dishes of Nutella, powdered sugar and maple syrup on a rimmed wooden cutting board.

My Favorite Nutella Recipes

With a creamy texture and rich chocolate-hazelnut flavor, Nutella transforms everyday baking into edible art. My Favorite Nutella Recipes gather all that delicious goodness in one place. Enjoy!

Nutella Cruffins, Flourless Nutella Cookies, Nutella Swirled Banana Muffins, No-Bake Nutella M&M Oatmeal Balls

How to Make Nutella Croffles

  • Preheat a Belgian-style waffle iron to medium heat.
  • On a lightly floured surface, open the can of crescent dough and separate each triangle so you have 8 triangles.
  • Working with as many crescent rolls as will fit in your waffle iron, spread 1 teaspoon of the Nutella on one side of each triangle.
  • Roll the triangle of dough from the largest side to the smallest to form a crescent shape.
Steps to make Nutella Croffles.
  • Spray the plates of the waffle iron with cooking spray and then place the powdered sugar coated crescent roll(s) in the waffle iron. (be sure to shape the croissants like a croissant in the waffle maker before closing the lid so they cook up still looking like croissants with the class curve to them)
  • Close the waffle iron and cook the croffle(s) for 2-3 minutes or until golden brown.
  • Remove the croffle(s) from the waffle iron and immediately dust with some more powdered sugar.
Steps to make Nutella Croffles.
  • Repeat with remaining crescent dough triangles.
  • Serve with maple syrup for dipping. They’re also great served with fresh fruit, whipped cream and a drizzle of maple syrup or Nutella on top.
A large white fluted plate with two waffle-textured pastries topped with blueberries and strawberries.

How to Store Leftover Croffles

Leftover croffles can be stored in a sealed container at room temperature for up to 3 days. They can be enjoyed as is or reheated in an oven or toaster oven until warmed through and crispy on the outside again.

A large white fluted plate with two waffle-textured pastries topped with powdered sugar, a Nutella drizzle, maple syrup, blueberries and raspberries.

If you make these Nutella Croffles and post a pic to social, be sure to tag me on Instagram @thebakermama so I can see! 😍 I just love seeing how inspired and creative y’all get with the recipes and ideas I share. Enjoy!


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Flaky croissant dough with rich chocolate hazelnut spread made crisp in a waffle iron. Nutella Croffles are a decadent, delicious breakfast treat you’ll be obsessed with.

  • 1 (8 ounce) can refrigerated crescent dough (8 rolls)
  • 8 teaspoons Nutella (chocolate hazelnut spread)
  • 1/4 cup powdered sugar
  • Maple Syrup, for serving


  1. Preheat a Belgian-style waffle iron to medium heat.
  2. On a lightly floured surface, open the can of crescent dough and separate each triangle so you have 8 triangles.
  3. Working with as many crescent rolls as will fit in your waffle iron, spread 1 teaspoon of the Nutella on one side of each triangle.
  4. Roll the triangle of dough from the largest side to the smallest to form a crescent shape.
  5. Sprinkle the outside of each crescent roll generously with powdered sugar.
  6. Spray the plates of the waffle iron with cooking spray and then place the powdered sugar coated crescent roll(s) in the waffle iron. (be sure to shape the croissants like a croissant in the waffle maker before closing the lid so they cook up still looking like croissants with the class curve to them)
  7. Close the waffle iron and cook the croffle(s) for 2-3 minutes or until golden brown.
  8. Remove the croffle(s) from the waffle iron and immediately dust with some more powdered sugar. Repeat with remaining crescent dough triangles.
  9. Serve with maple syrup for dipping. They’re also great served with fresh fruit, whipped cream and a drizzle of maple syrup or Nutella on top.

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