A sweet slice of life about wearing the wrong uniform.

Since watching A Place Further Than The Universe as my last slice of life watch, that itch needed scratching last year and randomly came started Akebi’s Sailor Uniform immediately swallowed in from episode one by pocket of sunshine Akebi. 

The format of the series is pretty straight forward Akebi is entering her first junior and having a lonesome school hood till now, Akebi’s keen nature to experience a lot of firsts is a understatement. The first few minutes of the episode one were gorgeous, introduced to Akebi lushous country surroundings of her residence and one of the shows best qualities, the jaw dropping animation. This element is utilised so wonderfully through but will get to that in a bit. Before attending her first day we see Akebi home life and the design of her house, I’m obsessed it is so cute, english cottage vibes it speak. A peaceful energy you feel entering into Akebi home, homely and you wonder where Akebi’s peaceful nature comes from. First few steps out the door Akebi skipping along the flat smooth path, blazing sun and blue sky, I remember this moment, of when you are about to start something new. Everything in this scene was beautiful and this was a taste of the camera angle and animation work, something that kept giving with every episode. 

Akebi reminds me so much of Chitanda from Hyouka curious nature but Akebi has a different special quality to Chitanda ability to make unconscious connections with people. Kizaki one of Akebi’s classmates is a great example, Akebi’s approach is sometimes forward but not intentional and Kizaki doesn’t know how to take this but soon comes to like Akebi before she knows it. Even though Akebi has strange habits and says weird things, who cuts their own toenails and smells the after .  .  . (not over here). 

This show is freaking pretty from saying before! A few posts I read said they found the switch between animation off putting for certain points in the show but I didn’t feel that way. Akebi befriends a classmate who loves photography and becomes a model prop for her, the shots taken of her posing are gorgeous. Creating a intimate atmosphere and that’s what I love about the camera work and animation work together. They are really unionance, from sweat drops from Akebi school dance, needle work of homemade mum’s work, it all means something important and not just a show to look pretty. I like watching series for just the animation alone like the film Bubble on Netflix but not a story here about a young girl experiencing her youth properly. 

Thinking about that one point of the series that I found weird and couldn’t feel attachment to was Akebi spending her preschool days in a classroom with just her and a teacher. . . this point was suppose to gain sympathy but it’s weird man. You know why? Because that doesn’t happen in real life. These scenes don’t do anything for the show. Another critique towards the show are some questionable moments like the garden hose is between Akebi’s legs as she waves to her mum watching from the window. I wouldn’t call disturbing angle just a bit unsettling but when I was watching I just laughed but others might find discomfort for whatever reason. 

My favourite thing about Akebi’s Sailor Uniform is Akebi’s peaceful and curious nature and how encouraging others around her is effortless. If you are wanting to do something or try Akebi is the kick up the butt friends you need in your life. I love how she affects everyone, positive light that keeps giving when you don’t ask for it. Watching Akebi reminded me how I need to find the more peaceful energy in my own life and just learn to let things be. 

This show is really cute and something that can start your day truly! But if you have a thing for girls in sailor uniform then I guess that’s a good enough reason too HAHA!

See you in the next post! 

Lita x

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