To RPO or Not to RPO Pt. 1

To RPO or Not to RPO Pt. 1

During annual night operations on Labor Day Weekend 2021 at the Illinois Railway Museum, train crews of the Coach Train attempted some old-fashioned nighttime Railway Post Office drops and pickups that once were common across the United States. For those of us assembled with our multi-flash setups, they issued a challenge to us: catch them in the act act night. I think every one of us missed the Grab, but thanks to not being able to see in the dark and firing just a tad early, I managed to catch the drop bag in mid-throw.

Pictured here is the 2nd of 3 runs, and you can see the tossed bag just below the pickup bag still on the pole, which is about to be picked up by the crewman manning the pole hook.

Posted by dscharen on 2021-10-19 13:34:10

Tagged: , IRM , Illinois , Illinois Railway Museum , Trains , Union , Flash , Flash Photography , Night Photography , Multiple Flashes , Multiple Flash Photography , RPO , Railway Post Office , Museum

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