To RPO or Not to RPO Pt. 2

To RPO or Not to RPO Pt. 2

During annual night operations on Labor Day Weekend 2021 at the Illinois Railway Museum, train crews of the Coach Train attempted some old-fashioned nighttime Railway Post Office drops and pickups that once were common across the United States. For those of us assembled with our multi-flash setups, they issued a challenge to us: catch them in the act act night. I think every one of us missed the Grab, but thanks to not being able to see in the dark and firing just a tad early, I managed to catch the drop bag in mid-throw.

Pictured here is the 3rd of 3 runs, and you can see the bag below the pickup pole.

Posted by dscharen on 2021-10-19 13:34:11

Tagged: , IRM , Illinois , Illinois Railway Museum , Trains , Union , Flash , Flash Photography , Night Photography , Multiple Flashes , Multiple Flash Photography , RPO , Railway Post Office , Museum

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