Big Brother Canada (Season 2) Jury Vote and Winner

Big Brother Canada Jury Vote and Winner Big Brother Canada Jury Vote and Winner Big Brother Canada Jury Vote and Winner …

  1. Ok my thing is if it’s him and neda in the F2, neda wins by one vote. Jon most likely has heather and Arlie but I think neda has Alison and Sabrina so it’s close.

  2. Neda deserved this win so much! 🙁

  3. Rachelle and neda was my top two favorite!
    Are you not surprised Rachelle didn't vote for jon
    Rachelle and Sabrina are best friends

  4. If he took neda would he have lost

  5. "Jon needs 1 more vote win Nedas vote is next" Jon: "Oh god!" Lol loved that

  6. Since Neda wasnt in final 2 I'm glad jon won as he was good player

  7. 0:34

    who were they zooming in on…?

  8. unpopular opinion: Jon played better than neda

  9. Why was saying neda was robbed she probably wouldn't have won if she was up against Jon
    Jon would have had:
    Canada's vote so she probably wouldn't have won

  10. John deserved to win I think and Neda used him for her own game which I can understand as well although she didn't win in the end, I was definitely rooting for the pair of them!

  11. For some reason for the past 5 seasons

    Win a boy wins a season of bbcaN they win the final 4 pov

  12. The "WAKE UP CANADA" thing was sooooooooooo annoying. Maybe it's because it's some Canadian saying i don't know about, but that phrase was the worst part of the season.

  13. Neda is stupid. She just feels stupid for falling in love and can't admit it. John was the smarter one, because he never stopped playing the game. He let her do the legwork and then dropped her. Neda making out like she taught him everything she knows is stupid. It's like patting herself on the back for being an idiot.

  14. So far Jon is the only bbcan winner to win the last hoh and went on to win the game

  15. WHy am I watching this while eating applesauce

  16. I really wanted Sabrina to win. I never thought she was that mean, more like smart. She knew how to be convincing and the entire time she used that to play a strong mental game.She may have not won a lot of competitions but she won the one that mattered.I always wanted her,mumsy,heather,or alison to win.Not to say I don't like Jon though because I would be happy he won if Neda was standing beside him.Just beside Sabrina I was not as much.I don't hate Neda either though, she was also smart but in different ways than Sabrina.

  17. Neda, Neda, Neda…throughout your Big Brother stay, you have shown gorgeous outfits, a lot of fashion savvy and finesse yet To The Finale What Happens??
    Neda wore the MOST UNflattering Dress ever!! makes you look older than ur, does not flatter your gorgeous body and simply looks like it came from Grandma's Closet
    Bad Bad Choice! ps. So glad you were NOT a bitter juror!

  18. Glad John won-seems like a genuine, fun guy!

  19. Where is the episode where it shows final 3 comps & how Neda left>?????

  20. good to see someone who really deserved it rather then last season. Still can't stand Julian and her sidekick country ass boyfriend…

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