We’re FINALLY Back Watching *X-MEN*

This is our first-time reaction to *X-Men: The Last Stand* 🎞️Vote in Polls + Movie Reaction: …

  1. Hey Everyone, we are super excited to be continuing our X-MEN journey! What's your thoughts of X-Men: The Last Stand*? Also, we just posted our reaction to *X-Men Origins: Wolverine to our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ThePerfectMix for those who can't wait for it to come over to YouTube. Love you guys!!❤️

  2. In the comics storm was married to Black Panther

  3. The negative reaction this movie had from some comic book fans always made me kind of sad, honestly. I loved this movie as a kid and I think that it has — unfortunately, I suppose you could say — aged spectacularly well. The effects are awesome, the soundtrack is one of the best X-scores, and visually it's a treat that's chock-full of comic easter eggs while really focusing on its own story. I did understand some arguments that it was a mistake to mix the Phoenix storyline with the Cure storyline, but the X-films were designed to be a trilogy and they weren't sure they were going to get another one after this. All the early Marvel stuff was designed to be trilogies, and only X-Men and Spider-Man were successful enough to reach the third film. IMO, if you can't have all of the cosmic stuff, giving Jean dissociative identity disorder was actually a somewhat ingenious way to show her struggle between herself and her Phoenix self, and Famke Janssen did a really, really good job with facial expressions alone.

    Despite X2 being so universally beloved, I always argue that this film tried to tackle some of the weightier stuff. The philosophical discussions surrounding the "cure", the abuse/misuse of power and how it corrupts people, and dealing with violent mental health issues all together made this movie really stand out. It presented the views of mutants offended by the very idea of a 'cure' (Storm) and those whom it could actually help (Rogue) in a very grounded way. It also re-touched hard on Magneto's past as a Holocaust survivor and how the idea of 'erasing' mutants via the cure would have actually triggered him as he would absolutely have viewed it as the first step toward the genocide of his people..again. The line "I have been marked once and let me assure you — no needle shall ever touch my skin again" as he shows Callisto the tattoo the Nazis forced on him as a child is chilling. Ian McKellen is such a strong and commanding presence throughout this movie and his speech at the church and at the camp are amazing. But you also see the danger of someone who lived through being oppressed becoming the oppressor in Magneto's case. In abandoning Mystique, he showed his hand as having become just as xenophobic against humans as his enemies, which is tragic.

    The cure storyline and in particular Warren Worthington and his son Angel are such an obvious parallel to LGBT parents who aren't 'outwardly' bigots who then try to send their own children to conversion camps to 'cure' them because they can't accept them as they are as well. And Jean's story really showcases the struggle of people with extreme conditions like multiple personalities or schizophrenia hurting the people they care about and how 'hiding the truth' isn't the same as 'healing' — could Jean have grown up in control of her powers and would the Phoenix ever have been created if Xavier hadn't blocked her powers but instead taught her to embrace them? His own fear of Jean's dark side led to her fear of her own powers, which we saw in the first movie. In The Last Stand, she's buried every negative and dark emotion in her life and now they're all pouring out of her, which is a good message about dealing with trauma instead of burying it. A lot of people were pissed she didn't outright kill herself like in the comics, but I think it showcased how easily Phoenix could annihilate in seconds anyone who stood against her; the only reason Logan made it as far as he did was because Jean was desperately trying to let him, and the moment she has him in front of her she pretty much uses him to kill herself, so the ending worked for me.

    It's fair to say that The Last Stand is a bit tonally different, had too many new characters, and did have other issues, but honestly, what it did, it did exceptionally well, and if you just kind of see Days of Future Past, which is an incredible film, as an epilogue to this trilogy, I think The Last Stand stands on its own feet in terms of quality to this day.

  4. You guys gotta react to xmen: first class next. That one's so good

  5. Hahaha that joke about Beast and his skin tone made me laugh out loud. That sounds like a Family Guy flashback 😂

  6. I think that you-guys are ready to wrap your minds around an interesting facet of Stan Lee's universe and the relatability to the real world. Have you ever noticed the simularities of Professor X to Martin Luther King jr. and Magneto to Malcolm X?

  7. The xmen mansion is in Victoria British Columbia. Known as Hatley Castle it is one of Lord Dunsmires Castles (an coal barron). It was later turned into Royal Roads Military Academy; it is now Royal Roads University.

  8. Please when you finish ALL the X-Men saga watch by yourselves the Deadpool movies one again. You are gonna catch up on so many new jokes after that.
    Next in order:

    X-men origins Wolverine

    X-Men: First Class
    The Wolverine
    X-Men: Days of Future Past (the best one)
    X-Men: Apocalypse
    Deadpool 2
    X-Men: Dark Phoenix
    The New Mutants

  9. The girl who can walk through walls is the same person from The umbrella academy

  10. The Scarlet Witch vs. Jean Grey The Phoenix and the winner is…..

  11. I like all the XMEN movies because they are all part of the stories. I have to laugh at comments saying they did one or that one wrong like you could make a movie that would satisfy all the comic books. I enjoyed this one a lot as well as the Dark Phoenix. The undertaking that it takes to bring any comic to life is a massive undertaking. I appreciate them all. I am with you both, a great movie.

  12. Storm was massively nerfed in the movies. In terms of the comics, she’s one of the most powerful mutants on earth. I’m talking on par with Magneto. I’m talking could create a storm that covers the entire world if she wanted to 🥳

  13. They showed during the show the guy who was brain dead, and they asked would it be moral to use his body. Charles implanted himself into the braindead guy

  14. The big guy on the truck was the same character in Deadpool 2 sequel that ripped him in half

  15. Yeah, and apocalypse is before dark Phoenix

  16. Now y’all gotta watch X-men first class and then X-men days of future past then the final one X-men dark phoenix

  17. you need to watch x-men first class asap, the last great x-men movie

  18. That is Cregderick Castle on Vancouver Island in British Columbia Canada The Arrow also used this for Olivers home and it was used as Lex Luthors home in Smallville.

  19. Wanda can erase you from existence and manipulate reality Jean just turn you to dust plus chaos magic is immune to the phoenix force which is weak to chaos so wandas is Jean antis as chaos is primordial form of life it’s in everything

  20. Scarlet Witch and Phoenix are the most powerful mutants, the absolute Omega of their respective groups. Last I checked, Scarlet Witch was the most powerful.

  21. Stranger Things is MAJORLY influenced by X-MEN and the Phoenix Saga, with Eleven obviously being the Jean Grey. In episode 1 of ST, before Will gets taken, he and Dustin are racing for an X-MEN comic; specifically, his X-MEN 134. That comic is the beginning of The Phoenix Saga. I even had a tee that was made up of comic book versions of the ST cast comprising the exact cover of that comic book. It's brilliant.

  22. So glad y'all loved this! I thought it was great, too! 💙

    I can't wait for you to get to First Class and Days of Future Past (I def recommend "The Rogue Cut") 🎉

  23. In this scenario, the Scarlet Witch is stronger than Jean Grey, but not against the Phoenix entity. Yes, the phoenix is ​​a cosmic entity capable of destroying and recreating an entire galaxy. This is a spark of what Phoenix ​​is ​​capable of doing.

  24. If you read this and you're not saved, I care about you enough to tell you that you have sinned against Holy God and because of your sin you are under condemnation for not keeping His perfect law and your sin makes it impossible for you to be righteous on your own and because of you can't keep His law or be righteous on your own you are stuck in your sin and you will endure God's wrath for your crimes against Him ONLY IF you do not come to know and believe in His Son Jesus Christ who died on the cross so the door to have your sins forgiven could be opened and you receive salvation as a free gift. Please Understand this, if you reject Him you will Be Punished for all Eternity, please turn from your sinful ways and live a life that is appealing to the Lord and brings Him Glory, know what true love, peace, comfort and joy is, what the true meaning of life is, you don't have all the time in the world, tomorrow is not guaranteed for you, sin doesn't fill the void in your heart or give you the satisfaction you want, it only digs your hole deeper and increases the things you're trying to escape.

  25. If I were a mutant… I'd be on Magneto's side

  26. y’all would probably like haunting of hill house and haunting of bly manor

  27. The dopest part is the it’s based on the civil rights movement with Malcom x and MLK 🫡

  28. For the question of Jean Grey vs Scarlet Witch; It would be a pretty even fight if Jean didn't have the Phoenix. But if Jean does have the Phoenix, then it's basically game over. There are plenty of characters in the comics that can take out the Phoenix, but the list of how many can't is miles long.

  29. Great Reaction pt2 please 🙏💪😁

  30. Hank Mccoy always knew he was a white man lol😂😂😂😂

  31. No, this version of x-mens "endgame" is Days of Future Past. Hope you guys keep reacting and get to it!

  32. Been a fan for a long. Sadly you didn't release all mcu projects.

  33. Highly recommend castle Loma. It’s a beautiful little castle/mansion. They do shut rooms off limits at times so just be sure to check before going. But the gardens and I believe professors office room.


  35. Can't wait to see you reacting to breaking bad show hands down best show created of all time ❤

  36. Hey Shoshanna and Vince. I'm trying to become a YouTuber. Do you guys have any advice for me on how to grow a good channel?

  37. It's a shame that Logan robbed Scott of this pivotal plot with Jean–even moreso that they didn't do the cure storyline as a sequel instead of conflating it with the Dark Phoenix.

  38. Glad you liked it! 😅😁

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