Big Brother-Aaryn “KKK Barbie” Gries Evicted, Gets Owned By Julie Chen-Moonves Over Hateful Slurs

Big Brother host Julie Chen-Moonves, who is Asian-American, nails Aaryn “KKK Barbie” Gries over racist and homophobic slurs …

  1. Racism is bad only when white people do it apparently. She handled it well. She should have said to julie at the end go make some rice.

  2. She might actually be the biggest devil woman to ever be on big brother.

  3. I dont know if I’m just stupid but read her name as “Aryan “KKK Barbie” 💀💀💀

  4. See there? She's not racist, she's from Texas!!! HAHAHAHA

  5. Y’all soft , that was funny 😂


  7. Her saying it was just taken out of context when Big Brother has 24/7 live feeds 🥴

  8. meh… those things julie mentioned are no more racist then what people say about white people so f it lol

  9. Big Brother has changed the rules since this season. If anyone makes comments like she did they will get removed from the game now

  10. Such a triggered audience that season.

  11. What ever happened to her 😮

  12. The fact that they expelled Luke over one word that – while he shouldn't have used it at all – was not meant in a hateful way but allowed this bitch to get all the way to jury despite the fact that she quite literally terrorized every houseguest of color speaks volumes to how performative the team behind this show is. Nevermind the fact that the runner up of this same season was arguably even WORSE and used the actual slur version of the same word Luke used, yet nothing happened to her…

  13. LOL I just started watching this season. And when she Elissa told her to "shut up and stop saying the sh*t she was saying" she LITERALLY said "I wish I cared more"

    So "I dodnt mean for any of the stuff to say to hurt anyone"?

  14. Unfortunately she thinks everyone buys what ever she says , we don’t !

  15. She doesn’t remember saying those things because it’s automatic for her to be this messed up !

  16. It's taught her what's said on camera stays on camera. Busted 😂😂😂😂😂

  17. What season is this?

  18. If this was BBUK she would have got much louder and stronger boos

  19. i always felt really bad for julie having to read those comments out loud. you can hear in her voice that she gets quite emotional when reading the things said about candace.

  20. where was this energy with jeff?

  21. This is why BB Canada and BB US NEEDS!! To keep the live feeds, ik US is for sure keeping them but Canada is really fumbling

  22. Really using the excuse of being from the south for being racist girl bye 🤦🏽‍♀️

  23. The audacity to come on a show a racist, when the host is a POC is less than smart.

  24. Be careful what you say. BB is listening.
    That's all.

  25. Elissa’s goodbye message was my favorite

  26. Disgusting… only cookout was more racist than her

  27. Using racism and homophobia to make yourself look good or is she battling some deep psychological emotional trauma not excusing what she said but she's just a fake and a pretender I'm not surprised that they kicked her out

  28. “Including the mixed reception you just got-“
    Julie throwing shade 🫡

  29. As someone from Texas we're all not racist, homophobic bigots, so that being her argument is complete and total bs. A good amount of us are good people.


  31. It don’t matter what you MEANT?! You said whatever point you were trying to make.

  32. Julie: you’re a racist
    Kkk Barbie: I’m from the South! I feel really bad… about how it makes me look.

  33. The audience reaction to her responses mirrored mine every time 😂😂😂😂

  34. Wow they need to bring back THIS version of Julie and allow the audience to react to ridiculous statements

  35. Didn't she marry Jason Aldean?

  36. ew the nice goodbye messages 🤣🤢

  37. She's not a "changed" person!

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