Big Brother UK Celebrity – Series 20/2017 (Episode 2/Day 1)


  1. Chad really do be out here viewing woman as nothing but an object 💀

  2. Too many people on every BB cannot say 3 sentences WITHOUT using foul language…very low class people..3 a.m. and they still are not ready to sleep..I always find this odd..

  3. Wow Chad, like, really? 😂😂 This isnt Love Island or The Love Connection, you know? It's a game show with back stabbing and trickery and shit lmao.
    Dudes acting like hes on The Bachelor and like hes the only viable male specimen 😂😂😂. You're not gods gift to the earth dude, and the british public will be voting on things just like this that you say and believe.
    Hes pretty funny I think so far, like his comments about Amelia and the high heels, but god, that cockiness just saps away all the charm and good looks to me.

  4. do you have anymore episodes from this season! dying to see more

  5. Marissa didn't deserve that. She was better entertainment than Shaun's boring self.

  6. Trash Paytas, stfu. Its only episode 1

  7. Marrissa – what a terrible and immature person. – 'I don't have a problem with Shaun nominating me' She just cant shut up about it

  8. Jordan… what an immature 25 year old

  9. watching in 2023… for some reason

  10. Paul's so two faced ,I really dislike him

  11. Trish .30 seconds into a conversation & she's asking about penis and sex works 😜😜gotta love her for the hot mess she is ! I miss the old Trisha

  12. Thank you so much for uploading these . I remember watching this season brings me back wow

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