Sneak Peek: The first Nominations are revealed… | Big Brother 2023

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  1. I get why Kerry got mad when Farida said we’re the same age 40 years old and a 50 year old are way far offf I get if she was 48 but woah 40 is no nowhere near 50 yrs old that’s like a 30 year old telling a 20 year old we’re from the same generation no your not


  3. PAUL is so much like Jake Gyllenhaal x. I don’t like the way they have presented the nominations. Let’s see the nominations FIRST on Thursday before the Live show on Friday, THEN find out who is nominated. Why have they only got one nomination each? Apart from this and it being the ‘Farida’ show, it’s been great.

  4. Nominations were handled really poorly, I didn't watch late & live so I just came to the eviction episode really confused wondering if I had skipped a day or two somehow. And only 1 vote each really guarantees that only the loudest/most conflicting housemates get nominated, with 2 votes that also happens, but at least then there's a chance some extra people might go up too. Overall I am enjoying the weekly episodes but the first nominations and eviction show was bad.

  5. I can't believe this load of rubbish has been resurrected in 2023. It was rubbish in the 90s and it's not aged well.

  6. I said Farida would go my other chooses were Matty or Olivia if she hadn't been saved. Nextime, maybe Paul , Henry, and definitely Kerry 😅😅😅. I think Olivia will stay as she's full of energy even though I find her cringe and can hardly understand anything she says.

  7. Wrong person kicked out. Kerry has been nothing but ignorant with Farida since day one and pissed and moaned to try get everyone on side every chance she got. Shes not entertaining just boring and tbh Farida probably got Kerry more airtime than she deserves this week. Least entertaining housemate.

  8. I can’t stand heala he just wants attention

  9. Get kerry out and has everyonr forgotten olivia out bursts at the begning when she was nominated she was so bad and as soon as big brother gave her a task to stay in and she was immune from nominatikns that was only when she apologised to jenkings and evrryonr has just forgeten about that she should of went

  10. You need to put Farida back in. I won't be watching it anymore

  11. Yes Farida, Tell that slag off 😂😅😇

  12. The revamped big brother just seems lazy and rehearsed! The live crowds just cheer, that's not true bb

  13. From watching everyone with there action's &what thay say&do.all of them are a backstabber &sneaky on this b.b

  14. Why are they only nominating one housemate each?

  15. Good grief, they are so child-minded….

  16. This nomination process is totally wrong. By telling us who is up for eviction BEFORE the actual nominations ruins the anticipation of the nominations. It's a bit pointless watching the nominations as we've already been told who is up. What a cock-up !! That and having the nominations on the same day as eviction. Why mess up a successful formula ?

  17. Are y’all going to do a spoiler on nominations every week? Already knowing before you see them takes away from the surprise.

  18. Just used my 4 free votes to get Kerry out.. silly overbearing drama Queen

  19. Y'know what, I'll admit something that I might get shot down for here, but Farida at the start was one of the last people I thought I'd like, but she, Yinrun, Paul & Zak are by far my favourites. She has not been two faced, she is direct and they can't handle it.

    Olivia, you're letting Scotland down ya wee witch.

    Kerry is as sneaky as can be and instigates situations all the time. I hope she leaves.

    Matty and Tom are nice enough boys but total plant life. They're like a paint drying compilation.

  20. Ready for the "racist" or" anti trans comments😂😂

  21. Get Olivia out, then Jenkin

  22. The cracks are starting to appear and I love it 😂

  23. Team Queen Olivia🎉

  24. Is this a fake eviction cos the voting is free and I’m nearly sure in past it cost money and only free when they pulling a fast one

  25. Who nominates them? Public or producers. What episode were they nominated?

  26. Not farida being 50 and throwing a tantrum for being up for eviction. I'm sick of her pointing at people, it's the height of rudeness. If she tried that one me id go off on her.

  27. Save Frida at all cost.
    She doesn't care and is making them all crazy lol.
    She will bring the fire and the DRAMA
    And that's what we want from big brother.
    We don't wanna see everyone playing happy family.

  28. Kerry out man she’s a people pleaser at least Farida speaks her mind. Tbh they’re both annoying but I think Kerry is more annoying.

  29. Big brother, please fix your microphone. It sounds atrocious.

  30. Kerrys only 40 to be fair. It's great TV that Farida keeps putting her in her age bracket.

  31. Big brother is supposed to entertaining! Farida and Kerry should stay and the Welsh girl and whoever else is boring should be nominated 😢

  32. I hope bb gets the boring players out eventually in a nom twist where the ones who dont get nominated are actually up and the ones who do get nominated are immune. Kerry nor farida should be the first boot but since they have to choose kerry can go

  33. Kerry is a devious bully. I didn’t realise M.S stood for Moaning Shrew!!!!

  34. Tbh I’d rather they’re both stayed because they’re beef is entertaining af. Those two with the perms are boring and can’t stand Hailee but it’s obvz fixed for him to win.

  35. The whole point is to nominate and evict. It’s a game show…

  36. Why is it that we always see the ones that cause drama out first and the boring ones stay under the radar!!?

  37. Sorry but Farida is too funny and oblivious. Keep her in!!!

  38. Farida mentioned that she has a popular YouTube channel. Does anyone know what the name of it is?

  39. Farida claiming the house nominated based on age discrimination is false, and really unfair on the other housemates. A responsible adult would take that moment to look inward, question if their own actions had negatively affected others, and act to change their behaviour for the better.

    When a person defaults to "I'm being victimised because of X", they aren't taking responsibility for their own actions, and are refusing to learn from their own mistakes. It's a HUGE red flag, and potentially a sign that some's a narcissist. Sorry but Farida crossed the line here (not the first time) and needs to go.

    Edit: The public made the right choice. Farida was unbearable.

  40. I would rather Farida be saved. I'm glad she told Olivia off 😂.

  41. Evict Farida, without her we might see a different Kerry. If Farida stays she will be exactly the same annoying person, shouting over everyone.

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