Delightful Lentil Soup: A Healthy Meal on the Cheap

Delightful Lentil Soup: A Healthy Meal on the Cheap

Life can get super busy, and it’s tough to make a healthy, cheap meal fast. But guess what? There’s an awesome dish that’s easy and doesn’t cost much: a tasty lentil soup. When I was doing a volunteer year with AmeriCorps VISTA, living by myself and not having a lot of money or time–lentils were a game changer. They’re small but fill you up, keep you warm, and let you get creative without spending lots of money.

Lentils are tiny but mighty! They’re packed with good stuff that keeps you healthy. When you eat lentils, you’re getting lots of protein, which is like the building block for your muscles. They also have fiber, keeping your tummy happy and helping you feel full longer. Plus, lentils are loaded with vitamins and minerals, like iron and folate. Eating lentils is a smart way to get a lot of nutrition without spending much money.


The essence of this soup lies in its simplicity and the wholesome goodness of its ingredients:

  • 1 cup of lentils
  • 2 carrots, chopped
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • A handful of fresh parsley, chopped
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 tablespoon smoked paprika
  • 1 Lemon
  • 6 cups chicken or vegetable stock

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions:

  1. Prepare the Lentils: Start by giving the lentils a good rinse under cold water to ensure they’re clean and ready for the pot.
  2. Sauté the Base: Heat a tablespoon of olive oil in a large pot over medium heat. Once it’s hot, toss in the chopped onions and minced garlic, sautéing until the onions become soft and transparent.
  3. Add the Carrots: Introduce the chopped carrots to the pot, stirring occasionally, and cook them until they start to soften, about 5 minutes.
  4. Simmer the Soup: Pour the chicken or vegetable stock into the pot, along with the rinsed lentils. Once the mix comes to a boil, lower the heat, allowing it to simmer gently for 20-25 minutes. The lentils should be tender but not mushy.
  5. Season Well: This is the moment to add your personal touch with salt, pepper, and smoked paprika. Adjust these seasonings to your taste, remembering that the magic of a great soup often lies in its seasoning.
  6. Finishing Touches: A handful of freshly chopped parsley and a squeeze of fresh lemon stirred in just before serving brings a burst of color and freshness to the dish.
  7. Serve and Enjoy: With the soup ready, ladle it into bowls. For an added touch of luxury, you might top each serving with a drizzle of olive oil or a dollop of yogurt. Accompany this hearty bowl of goodness with a square of cornbread on the side for the perfect meal.


There’s something deeply gratifying about sitting down to a meal that is both nourishing and comforting, knowing it didn’t require spending beyond your means or slaving away in the kitchen for hours. This lentil soup is more than just a healthy, cheap meal; it’s a reminder of simpler times, of making do and finding joy in the little things—like the rich, earthy taste of lentils bathed in a savory broth, spiced just right and warming you from the inside out.

To this day, the act of preparing and enjoying this lentil soup takes me back to those days of youthful independence, resourcefulness, and the joy of discovering beauty in simplicity. May it bring as much warmth and satisfaction to your table as it has to mine.

Try this dish with our cornbread recipe!

Mom's Cornbread
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