Perfect Guacamole Recipe

My family can’t stop making this easy guacamole recipe! It takes less than 10 minutes to make, uses fresh ingredients, and includes a simple trick for making it best. Truly one of the best bowls of guacamole I’ve made.

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Homemade Guacamole Recipe Video

Guacamole, which originates from Mexico, is one of my favorite things to eat. I’ve passed my obsession on to my 3-year-old, who can finish a bowl of homemade guacamole all by himself.

My favorite recipe aims to be as close as possible to authentic guacamole. It uses fresh ingredients (no dried spices!) and ripe avocados.

Best Homemade Guacamole

Key Ingredients

  • Avocados: Use ripe avocados for the best guacamole. To pick them, gently squeeze the avocado with the palm of your hand. If it yields a little when pressed, it’s ready to eat. You can also check under the stem. If the stem pulls away and the area underneath is green, you’ve found an avocado perfect for guacamole.
  • Onion: When available, I use white onion to make guacamole, and I let them sit in cold water for 5 to 10 minutes before adding them. Just a few minutes in water takes away the raw bite of the onion. I often use this trick in our recipes, such as in this recipe for pico de gallo.
  • Lime: Fresh lime is best for this recipe. I’ve used lemon in a pinch, but stick with lime for the most authentic flavor.
  • Cilantro: I’m generous with fresh cilantro for this recipe. If you aren’t a fan, you can leave it out.
  • Jalapeño: Adds heat. You can adjust how spicy your guacamole is by removing or leaving the seeds and white membrane inside the pepper. Watch the video to see me remove them.
  • Tomato: This is optional, but I add it, as you can see from my photos. Tomato isn’t always included in authentic guacamole recipes, so it’s up to you if you want to add it.

How to Make Guacamole

You’ll need 5 minutes to make guacamole. Add the avocado flesh to a bowl. (I use a spoon to scoop it out of the peel.) Or, if you have one, add them to a molcajete y tejolote (mortar and pestle).

Removing the pit and scooping ripe avocado for guacamole recipe

Next, gently mash the avocado with a fork. I love it when guacamole has some texture, so keep it a little chunky. Now is a good time to add some lime juice, too.

Mashing avocado for guacamole with a fork

Now gently stir the remaining guacamole ingredients and season with salt. That’s the onion, cilantro, jalapeno, and tomato. Then, serve your homemade guacamole with tortilla chips or your favorite Mexican and Tex-Mex dishes (here’s how to make tortilla chips).

How to make guacamole: adding guacamole ingredients to a bowl

Storing Guacamole

Fresh guacamole is best enjoyed soon after making it. As the avocado sits, it will begin to brown. The lime juice in our recipe helps a little, but it will eventually brown. To stop guacamole from turning brown, press a sheet of plastic wrap or parchment paper down onto the guacamole, making sure that there’s no space of air between them. Then, store this way in the fridge for a day or two.

What to Serve with Guacamole

Besides tortilla chips, we love serving homemade guacamole next to other dips and salsas. Try fresh pico de gallo, this easy restaurant-style salsa, our roasted tomato salsa, and this amazing green salsa made with roasted tomatillos.

Guacamole is excellent with pork tacos, these chile butter shrimp tacos, our vegetable tacos, or scooped on top of this easy taco soup. I also love it with red chicken enchiladas and on top of this easy black bean soup.

The Best Homemade Guacamole

Perfect Guacamole

This is our family’s favorite guacamole recipe. For the best guacamole, use ripe avocados. You’ll know when an avocado is ripe when it gives a little when you squeeze it. Keep unripe avocados at room temperature until they are ready. See this tutorial for more about buying, cutting, and storing avocados.

Makes approximately 6 servings

Watch Us Make the Recipe

You Will Need

3 ripe medium avocados

1/4 cup finely chopped onion

1 ½ tablespoons fresh lime juice

1/4 cup cilantro leaves and tender stems, chopped

1 small tomato, chopped, optional

1 to 2 teaspoons finely chopped jalapeño pepper, with seeds and membrane removed, optional

1/2 teaspoon salt, or more to taste


    1Add the chopped onion to a small bowl and cover with cold water. Set aside for 5 minutes, drain, and then rinse. This simple step tones down the raw flavor of the onions.

    2Cut avocados in half lengthwise, remove the pit, scoop out the flesh, and add to a bowl.

    3Use a fork to mash the avocado into a chunky dip.

    4Stir in the drained and rinsed onions, lime juice, cilantro, tomato, and salt. If you are adding it, add the finely chopped jalapeño.

    5Taste the guacamole and adjust with more salt or lime juice.

    6Guacamole is best when eaten soon after making it, but to store it and prevent it from turning brown, press plastic wrap down onto the guacamole and refrigerate for up to two days.

Adam and Joanne’s Tips

  • Spicy Guacamole: I love adding diced jalapeño to my guacamole, but since I prefer it on the milder side, I remove all of the seeds and white membrane inside the pepper (you can see me do this in the video). If you love spicier guacamole, add the whole pepper (seeds and all). Serrano peppers are a good substitute, but remember that they can be hotter than jalapeño peppers.
  • The nutrition facts provided below are estimates.

Nutrition Per Serving
Serving Size
1/6 of recipe
2 g
8 g
Dietary Fiber
5 g
Total Sugars
2 g
Total Fat
10 g
Saturated Fat
1 g
0 mg


Adam and Joanne Gallagher

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