Lavender Latte (Hot or Iced)

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Learn how to make a lavender latte (hot or iced) with this simple recipe that’s easy to customize to your liking.

Lavender Latte

After moving back to KC last summer, one of my good friends introduced me to her favorite drink at our neighborhood coffee shop — an iced lavender latte — and it was love at first sip. ♡

I’ve long been a fan of pairing lavender with earl grey tea to make a London fog latte. But this was the first time I had ever tasted lavender paired with espresso. And when out for a morning stroll around the neighborhood with our iced lattes on a hot summer’s day, that extra hint of delicate floral flavor in my coffee was just delightful. Loved it!

The cost of those extra pumps of syrup at the coffee shop have a way of adding up quickly, though. So last summer, I got into the routine of making small batches of homemade lavender syrup so that we could make our own lavender lattes here at home. And now nearly a year later, a hot or iced lavender latte continues to be one of my favorite ways to begin the day. They’re easy to make and customize with your favorite type of milk and espresso, and taste equally delicious hot or iced. So whenever you feel like giving your latte a floral twist, let’s simmer up a quick batch of lavender syrup and make some lavender lattes together!

Lavender Latte Ingredients

Lavender Latte Ingredients

Here are a few quick notes about the lavender latte ingredients that you will need to make this recipe:

  • Espresso: A traditional lavender latte is made with two shots (2 ounces or 1/4 cup) of espresso. But if you don’t have espresso at home, you’re welcome to sub in strongly-brewed coffee instead.
  • Lavender syrup: My favorite lavender simple syrup is quick and easy to make with 3 ingredients — dried lavender, sugar and water. One quick batch can last you two weeks!
  • Milk: Feel free to use whatever type of dairy or plant-based plain milk that you love best. I usually make a lavender oat milk latte.
  • Ice (optional): Of course, this will be necessary if you plan to make an iced lavender latte!

How to make a lavender latte

Lavender Latte Tips

Detailed instructions for how to make a lavender latte (hot or iced) are included in the recipe below, but here are a few additional tips to keep in mind:

  • Use culinary-grade lavender. Not all varieties of lavender are safe to be consumed, so please be sure to use culinary-grade dried lavender when making the lavender syrup.
  • Steam the milk properly. Be careful not to overheat the milk, which can cause it to scald and alter its flavor. You ideally want it to be hot but not boiling, between 150-160°F.
  • Adjust the strength/amount of lavender syrup to taste. As I mentioned in my post about making homemade lavender syrup, everyone has their own preferences when it comes to the ratio of lavender to sweetener in their syrup. So feel free to experiment and adjust the strength of the lavender in the syrup — as well as the amount of syrup that you add to your latte — to taste.
  • Experiment with different espresso blends. I find that a fruity light or medium roast espresso pairs best with the delicate floral flavor of lavender, but please experiment with different espressos to find the pairing that you love best.

Making an iced lavender latte with oat milk

Lavender Latte Variations

Here are a few additional variations to this lavender latte recipe that you’re welcome to try:

  • Add vanilla: Add a splash of vanilla extract to make a vanilla lavender latte.
  • Add rose: Infuse culinary-grade dried rose petals with the lavender syrup to make a lavender rose latte.
  • Sweeten with honey: Use honey as the sweetener when making the lavender syrup to make a honey lavender latte.
  • Make it a matcha latte: Swap matcha for espresso to make a lavender matcha latte. (Here are full instructions for making the matcha latte base.)

Iced Lavender Latte

More Latte Recipes

Looking for more homemade latte recipes to try? Here are a few of our favorites:

Lavender Latte in Mug


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Learn how to make a lavender latte (hot or iced) with this simple recipe that’s easy to customize to your liking.

  • 2 espresso shots (2 ounces)
  • 1 to 3 teaspoons lavender syrup, to taste
  • 1 cup (8 ounces) milk

Hot Lavender Latte

  1. Steam or froth the milk. Steam the milk until hot (ideally between 150-160°F), or heat the milk in a saucepan until hot and then froth using a milk frother.
  2. Mix. Combine the espresso and your desired amount of lavender syrup in a mug and briefly stir to combine. Pour the frothed milk into the center of the espresso.
  3. Serve. Serve warm and enjoy!

Iced Lavender Latte

  1. Mix. Combine the milk and lavender syrup in a serving glass and briefly stir to combine. Fill the glass to the top with ice. Pour the espresso over the ice and briefly stir to combine.
  2. Serve. Serve cold and enjoy!

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